Exploring Physiotherapy As a Treatment Method

29 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you are looking to address any underlying physical issues regarding strength, functioning and moving, then physiotherapy has the solutions to the problems. Here are some tips that will help you explore the topic of physiotherapy and guide you in the right direction should this be your first time trying out this medical approach.

What Is Physiotherapy?

This is a holistic approach of treatment that incorporates your lifestyle and involves you as much as possible in your own treatment. It deals with preventing injuries, rehabilitation as well as promoting physical fitness and health in general. Physiotherapists are well-trained to identify root causes of injuries and the best approach to use when treating you in order to ensure that you get the best help and a more speedy recovery. Overall, physiotherapy is about improving things like strength and mobility.

What Is Required To Be A Physiotherapist?

There are different approaches to gaining the title of a physiotherapist. The first method is by gaining five years of experience in the medical field and taking examinations along the way. It is referred to as the self-directed learning path. The second approach is the course work that requires a minimum of two years of experience and active involvement with a postgraduate Masters programme that is standard. One may also decide to start off their career as an administrator or assisting a physiotherapy but a Certificate or Diploma is required to practice.

Are Physiotherapists Registered?

All physiotherapists are required to register with the Australian Physiotherapy Association that is spread across all states. If you want to verify the qualifications of your physiotherapist, you can check with the association which has all the records. Physiotherapists are also required to participate in Continuing Professional Development activities to ensure that they are up to speed with any new developments that may arise.

There is a group of specialist physiotherapists that have become experts in their field of choice and fetch more than just a normal member and are registered under the Australian College of Physiotherapists. These specialists engage in activities such as group work, reports, oral examinations and clinical exams and have to succeed to qualify.

Types Of Physiotherapy

If you choose to go for physiotherapy, you should first know what kind you will require as there are different fields such as neurological, sports, paediatrics, musculoskeleton and cardio respiratory physiotherapy. This depends on your needs and what goals you want to attain with physiotherapy.
