4 Benefits of Organic Band Aids

17 November 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you are looking to replenish your first aid kit, you may not have considered investing in a pack of organic band-aids. Organic band-aids offer several benefits when compared to regular band-aids. Organic bandages are ideal for any emergency kit. You can use them to treat minor wounds or you can make your own bandages using natural materials such as organic cotton and hemp. Read on to discover more.

Chemical-free materials

The term "organic" doesn't just refer to organic agriculture; it also means that the materials used to create an organic product are sourced from natural and non-chemical sources. Unlike the chemicals and packaging materials commonly used in conventional bandages such as artificial dyes, which are derived from petroleum, plastic or a number of other synthetic materials, the raw materials used to create organic bandages are biodegradable. Organic bandages, therefore, provide a simple, low-cost solution for treating a wide variety of wounds, all while benefitting your health and the environment. Choosing organic bandages means you're supporting a variety of sustainable production methods which reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Since organic bandages are biodegradable and do not contain preservatives, they can easily be used on cuts and scrapes that are not serious. The material is also soft and stretchy, which means it can be used on most types of wounds. You can use them to treat cuts and scrapes, minor cuts, insect bites and mosquito bites.

A variety of looks

Not all wounds look the same, but bandages often do. If you're tired of the same old, plain and white band-aid options, choosing organic bandages can allow you to customise your bandages for your own specific needs. Whether you're looking for a cute summer-time bandage that complements your activewear or you would like your favourite cartoon character, the organic band-aid industry can help. Bandages made from organic material can be safely printed with a range of non-toxic natural colours. 

Low cost but long life

Some organic raw materials have a relatively lower production cost. What's more, organic materials such as hemp or bamboo are incredibly strong so if you're looking to invest in organic bandages for your first aid kit, knowing that you may be able to spend a little less on band-aids that last a lot longer is a nice bonus.

If you are interested in finding out more about the benefits of organic band-aids, you should get in touch with a store which sells natural health care products. A member of the team will be happy to offer you any assistance you may need.
